Emergency Fund
EMERGENCY FUND : - A very commonly given financial advice, but not so commonly implemented across. What is Emergency Fund? Easily accessible chunk of money for use, in case of any kind of emergency. It should not be used to buy a car/house/laptop/ or any other thing. How much Fund is enough for Emergency Fund? enerally, 6 to 8 months monthly total expenses/spending(total expense include all expenses including loans and credit cards payments, household bills etc.,) Why 6-8 months total expenses? If any emergency happens, one will be able to live the same life style for at least 6-8 months without taking any further stress. Why to have an emergency fund? If any unexpected expenses come up, you can use this fund as it will not affect your future cash flows. One can use the fund in case of some critical situation like Job loss or unexpected medical bills or any critical illness. How to plan for such a big fund of 6-8 months expenses? S...